Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pillow Talk

Tonight while putting my girls to bed, my eldest gave me a big hug and told me, "You're the best mommy ever! You aren't perfect, but you aren't dull and you're a lot of fun!" Awww -- I'm going to go embroider that on a pillow! Actually, it really made my day -- I CERTAINLY know that I am not a perfect mom, but I appreciated her vote of confidence!


Christine said...

That is really so special. And I agree with everything she said!

The Fine Art of Motherhood said...

I thought it was really sweet -- like I said, I am completely comfortable in the knowledge that I am not perfect -- I was pleasantly surprised (to be honest) to hear her say I wasn't dull!

Christine said...

You aren't dull!

The Fine Art of Motherhood said...

Aww, thanks! But of course YOU don't find me dull! We share all of the same FASCINATING stories!! :) (I'm sure later in life our kids will find both of us rather dull... "That story, AGAIN?!")

Unknown said...

That was a heartfelt moment for sure. I guess it goes to show you're a wonderful role model for her too, seeing as no one is perfect!

Sorry to say but yeah I'm going to have to agree with your last comment of your last post, they girls will someday find your stories a little monotonous. ;)