Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Here's a quick tip I gave to a friend of mine the other day. We were talking about bathtime, and she was saying that her little girl is not a big fan and she was talking about getting bath crayons (which are great, too!). I mentioned that something that my girls have enjoyed, is playing with bubbles in the tub. We have a little container of bubbles, with a little bubble wand, and my older daughter LOVES to play with that in the tub. The other day I had both girls in the tub at the same time, and my older daughter entertained my younger daughter by blowing bubbles, while I washed her hair! Bubbles are so inexpensive -- you can even make your own with dish soap and water -- and kids love them! And the bathtub is a great place to play with them -- it's a novelty for the kids to get to play with them in the house, and there's no need to worry about a mess!

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