Saturday, December 19, 2009


Stopping in between Breakfast with Santa this morning, and a birthday party for one of our favorite 5-year-olds this afternoon, but had to post this before I forget! At the breakfast this morning, my little 3-year-old said to Gramby, "Gramby, I want to go to the Ladies Room!" And Gramby got very excited, because frankly, my girlie is still in diapers and has shown NO interest in learning to use the potty -- I'm going to try to tackle that over my vacation for the next two week's -- wish me luck! Anyway, Gramby took the girls down to the Ladies Room and when they got in there my girl said, "This isn't the Ladies Room! This is the BATHROOM! Where are all of the TOYS?!" Clearly, she had Ladies Room confused with PLAY room... So, no big break through on the potty-training, but a very cute story!

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