Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

So proud of our daughter, Olivia, for doing a great job of marching with her school's marching band in not one, but two town parades today!  This was not her first parade - she has marched in every Memorial Day parade that our old town had from the time she was 4 years old (preschool, dance school, Girl Scouts...), but this was her first time playing in a marching band (just like her Nana did, growing up in New Hampshire!). 

She marched in our town's parade this morning and the kids all stood in the sun for a very moving (but long) memorial service in honor of our town's fallen soldiers.  Then the kids hopped on buses and headed to do the same thing at the next town over -- this time in the pouring rain!  But she loved it and said she's ready to do it again!  (Veteran's Day...) 

My husband and I absolutely love living in a small town -- it was such a lovely event today and really gave us a sense of our small town community! 

And we were honored to be there to remember all of the service men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.

God bless America!

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