Pilgrim Hat Cookies
Keebler’s Fudge Stripes cookies
Reese’s Mini Peanut Butter Cups
Vanilla Frosting
Yellow Food Coloring
Orange Tic Tacs
Stir the yellow food coloring into the vanilla frosting, to make yellow frosting. The original recipe said to dip the peanut butter cup into the frosting, but that got very messy, very quickly! After a few attempts, I used my old standby trick and I spooned the frosting into the bottom corner of a heavy freezer baggie, then I cut just the tip of the bag’s corner off – voila, makeshift pastry bag! My daughter was able to easily pipe the frosting in a circle around the hole of the cookie. Then she took an unwrapped peanut butter cup and placed it (bottom-side up again) onto the frosting, so that some of the frosting peeks out from under the peanut butter cup. The final step is to place an orange Tic Tac on the yellow frosting. Cutest little Thanksgiving treats, and SO easy to make!
My friend Catherine was interested in making these for Thanksgiving, but her daughter has a nut allergy. We went to the grocery store to investigate a peanut-free version of this cookie and we found that the Keebler Fudge Stripes cookies are peanut-free and in place of the peanut butter cookies, we came up with Rolo’s chocolate covered caramels, which are a similar shape to the peanut butter cups, but are also peanut free, according to the product label.
Really, these are SO SO cute!
And they were super easy to make -- Liv had a great time making them (and obviously, as you can tell from her picture -- a great time taste-testing them!).
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