My eldest came home from school and was excited to tell me about a conversation that took place in math class today. A friend asked "How many times do I need to sing "Satisfied" from Hamilton before this class is over?" Another friend asked, "How long is that song?" 5 minutes. "Then you need to sing it 7 times." My daughter shared with them (likely as a "fun fact" as she says to us at home all of the time...) that when she was little her mother (me) would tell her how long things were in terms of a Disney show (something she could relate to). How long until we get to Grandma's house? "Two Hannah Montana's" or "Two Kim Possible's." Her singing friend said, "My mom used to do that too!!" My girl was then reminded me about her school trip to Washington DC last year, and how a friend of her's said, "I don't have to go to the bathroom, but I'm going to try before we leave, like my mother always tells me I should!" And of course, my girl said, "My mom tells me that ALL the time too!!" She told me, "You know, I think all moms think alike!"
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Posted by
The Fine Art of Motherhood
8:35 PM
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Growing So Fast!
Where does the time go? My girls are growing up so fast! My eldest is a freshman in high school -- college is closer than my husband and I want to think about! And my "baby" is in 4th grade, going into Middle School next year! Our girls are pretty tall and are constantly outgrowing their clothes or shoes. Thankfully, our eldest has probably stopped growing (don't tell her I said that -- she is about 5'10" and desperately wants to make it to 6'! ;) -- she's been in the same shoe size for a few years now (hooray!!), not so for the little one. Today, she came home from school and because the weather was colder than it has been (I thought we were in Spring now, folks!) we had her wear a zip-up hoodie over a long sleeved shirt, a tank top and jeans. The hoodie seems to be bordering on being too tight now, so when she got home I said, "Is that hoodie getting too tight?" Yes. "Are we done with it?" Yes. So I say, "Here" and hold out my hand and she takes the hoodie off and hands it to me. Then as I watch her tug the sleeves of her shirt down, I say, "Is that shirt getting too tight?" Yes. "Are we done with that too?" And she says, "Yes, but don't say 'Here' because I still need to WEAR this tonight!!"
Posted by
The Fine Art of Motherhood
5:01 PM
Saturday, April 23, 2016
At Last, Spring?
It was a beautiful day here in Southern NH, and while Daddy was working, the girls and I were feeling like we should be out enjoying the fresh air and sunshine! What a lengthy process to get us out the door (into our own yard...). First, we had to find appropriate warm weather clothing. That took longer for my little girlie, because I thought this would be the perfect time to go through her piles of shorts from last summer to see which ones still fit! Hilarity ensued, as it seems to, when my two girls and I spend any amount of time working on project together. More on that in another post. We finally found an outfit!
Now, lunch -- we'd decided on "munchy picnic-style" food for lunch. I pulled out two plastic serving trays -- went searching for the one large one that I like to use for just such an occasion. In the kitchen, no. In the laundry room, no. In the storage closet, no. Then I remembered -- it's in the playroom with every large Lego creation my little girlie has made! Moving on to find something else... Got my trays, pulled out pita chips and hummus, pulled out dipping pretzels and fancy mustard, sliced up cheese, pulled out crackers, grapes, beverages... Finally, we are ready to walk out the door! We rearrange some furniture to allow everyone a seat near the food. We sit, and start to eat, and enjoy the sunshine!
And two minutes pass... And my girls are ready to go inside because there are bugs outside! Oh the horror! Seriously? We've been prepping for over an hour and you give it two minutes! Somehow we pushed through had a bite to eat and then we moved onto outdoor projects. My husband is having back surgery soon and he must avoid any lifting for 4 - 6 weeks, so I told the girls we are going to have to pitch in more than usual. They worked together to put out our pretty collection of painted garden stones, and I worked on trimming up my hydrangea and raking leaves leftover from the fall. My little one pulled her bike out of the shed. It was a fun and fairly productive day! I was very happy that my girls were able to find their inner outdoorswomen and "tough it out" in spite of the bugs! (Although, they both abandoned me when I moved out front to rake... Baby steps!)
How are you enjoying the nice Spring weather?
Posted by
The Fine Art of Motherhood
10:07 PM
Labels: Activities for the Kids, Best Backyard on the Block, Family
Friday, April 22, 2016
Not a Fan of Thunder!
It's a gray day here in New Hampshire, the kids are off of school this week, and we are just hanging out at home today after a busy week! Earlier we heard a loud rumbling of thunder and my littlest cutie closed her eyes and said, "Please let it be loud elephants... Please let it be loud elephants!" Not a fan of thunder, but so cute! (It was not loud elephants, it was thunder -- but just one or two rumbles and then it passed, much to her relief!)
Posted by
The Fine Art of Motherhood
3:33 PM
Labels: Funny