Friday, October 10, 2008

What's the Word - Binky, or Sucker...?

So, we apparently have a new nighttime game, my 2-year-old and I... I put her to bed, and we do our usual routine, we snuggle, I sing "Christopher Robin" (Return to Pooh Corner, actually), I lay her down in her crib, lay her blankets over her, and give her her binky (aka pacifier). We are slowly weaning her off of this -- our older daughter had hers much longer, and by this age she could take 2 steps without it. With our littlest girlie, we have somehow managed to leave "Binky" in her crib and she only uses it for naps and bedtime -- it's a beautiful thing!

She's pretty funny about it though -- the other day, she got up from her nap and I went in to get her out of her crib and she still had Binky in her mouth. I said in a silly voice, "Oh my goodness! What are you doing? We don't take binky out of bed! Binky has to stay here!" And she did the funniest thing -- she took it out of her mouth to give it to me, then stopped, put it back into her mouth for one last suck and then handed it over to me -- it was like she just needed one more hit off of the bink before she could let it go! Powerful drug, that binky...

Anyway, back to our new game -- I give her her binky, and she has it in her mouth and then says, "I like it!" and hands it back (as I've mentioned before -- not great with the word "don't"...), so I go into her changing table and get the back-up binky and trade with her. Now, for the first few days of this game, she would take the other binky and settle down to sleep. A few days wear on, and now tonight we volleyed back and forth with the binks -- she started with the first one, said "I like it" (shaking her head as if to say "No!"), I give her the other binky, she pops that in, takes it out, again "I like it", hands it to me, I give her back the first bink, and so forth and so on... This went on about 5 times in a row. My husband walked by and caught a bit of this and just shook his head and laughed.

So what do you think -- was she really having an issue with the binky, or was she just playing me to stay up later? Mommy's a sucker, huh? Yeah, I thought so!


  1. I can totally picture this going on and yes you're the sucker for the time you'll be all the wiser.

  2. So cute! Isn't fun the games they play with you! I love it!

  3. I know! It's funny, because the first night she was very serious about it, and there was only 1 exchange of binks, so I thought, hmm, maybe this one tastes yucky... Then the next night it went back and forth and I realized she was playing me. And now, we BOTH know it's a game -- she even smiles as she says it! Very cute!
