Saturday, May 24, 2008
Love that Song!
Alright, I'm off to get a tissue!
Overcoming the Language Barrier
Within the last week, my baby (she'll be 2 in July but she will always be my baby!) went from "Lulu bus!" to "Mommy, where is Daddy?" and while playing with her babies this afternoon, "Ok baby, nap time!"
Now, she isn't just speaking in full sentences, but her vocabulary has expanding considerably in the last week or so! She is able to tell us "Ha cog" (which actually sounds a lot more like Hot Dog when she says it), like at dinner tonight when her sister begged to have pasta for dinner and we gave them both pasta, and my little one ate a few bites and then handed her bowl to me and said, "Ha cog, Mommy!" Ok, that is communication! She put forth a message, I received it and was able to understand it and address her needs -- excellent! We had salad with our dinner tonight, and she likes grape tomatoes and cucumbers, and I thought I'd throw in some romaine lettuce. She picked up a piece, put it in her mouth, and then took it out and put it back on her plate. I said, "Oh, you didn't like that?" And she shook her head no and replied, "Sorry, Mommy!" Ok, I understood that, too!
Now, we try to speak clearly in front of her and she also hears her sister speak (all the time!), so I'm sure she is gathering all of this up for later use. Some of the things she says, we think are so cute and we don't always correct her -- like ha cog. But pretty soon we will get to the point that we did with her older sister, where we realized as cute as it is to hear her say, "Pack Pack" instead of backpack, we can't very well have her carrying her high school social studies books to school in a "Pack Pack." So, when she would say something incorrectly (and this still happens, but with tougher words) we would say, "Oh, do you mean ______ ?" And fill in the correct pronunciation. It really helped build her vocabulary tremendously!
But for now, I'm excited that my little one learned the word "Hunry" (hungry) and could actually come up and tell me when she was hungry for lunch today! Communication -- it's a beautiful thing!
My Music!
I chose not to have it automatically start playing when someone opens up my blog, but you can click on any of the songs to start playing them, or scroll down the list to check them out. And please, if there is a song that you feel would be a good addition, in keeping with the theme of this blog, please feel free to let me know and I will try to find it!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Check out my Slide Show!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Mom's Day Out!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Flower Pot Pens

Anyway, I thought this was so adorable, that I decided to make these for Mother’s Day gifts this year. This was a pretty, yet functional gift -- easy to make, inexpensive, and everyone we gave them to seemed to really enjoy them!
All you need to make this craft is:
- Silk flowers (I used 10 per pot)
- Green florist tape
- Glass “stones”
- Small pots or buckets (I used 4” pots which worked well!)
- Ballpoint pens (I used 10 per pot)
I went to the dollar store and purchased the silk flowers ($1 per bunch), green florist tape ($1 per roll -- I bought 3 rolls, but 1 roll was more than I needed for 4 of these pots), and bags of glass stones ($1 per bag). I bought the pots at my local garden store for $ .99 a piece – you may be able to find them cheaper – and I bought a 2 boxes of 20 pens for $1.99 each (again, you may find these cheaper).

I wasn’t really looking to spend such a small amount on gifts this year – I just thought this was such a cute idea, practical, useful, and it won’t die it a few days (like real flowers -- not that they aren't beautiful!)! But as a bonus, the whole thing probably cost me about $4 for each! And my girls just loved them – my little one watched and kept saying, “Fower, peas!” (She’s working on her words!) And my older daughter wants us to make some to send to both of their Godmothers.
This worked out great for us for Mother’s Day, but I also thought it would make a GREAT teacher’s gift!!
Maybe She IS Listening!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Kid at Heart
So, last night after we put the kids to bed and my husband went to his hockey game, I went downstairs to start cleaning up the family room -- and what did I do instead? I played with my daughter's Loving Family dollhouse! I couldn't help myself!! It's an adorable dollhouse and she has rooms full of beautiful furniture for it -- and yet, it looks like something out of the '70's tv show "Sanford and Son" -- just a mish-mash of pieces from Barbie, Polly Pockets, Lincoln Logs -- you name it! It looks like the Loving Family is having a chaotic estate sale. Anyway, I thought, "I'll just pick up a little." Uh huh. An hour later, I'm sitting on her little, tiny Little Tykes desk chair, in front of the dollhouse, painstakingly arranging the furniture, setting the dining room table -- I even set up the dog's house and an off-site campground with the tent, firepit, sleeping bags... She never lets me do that when we are playing!
I did finally get a grip and pulled myself away long enough to get half of my Mother's Day crafts together (this was supposed to be a joint effort with my girlie, but we ran out of time!).
So that left today to get the house cleaned -- no problem! I was cruising along, being fairly efficient (except when my father called to check in and I was rearranging the books on the bookshelf -- a real necessity when you are having a bbq!), until I got to my daughter's room. My little one was napping in her room, her sister was at school, and so I went in to clean her room. Well, of course, she's got her big Barbie house in there... Yep, again -- about 30 minutes sitting in front of that, arranging the kitchen, the grand piano, flower vase on the coffee table, toothbrush and towel in the bathroom...
And now I'm here writing about it on my blog! What is the matter with me? Ok, break's over -- back to cleaning!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
An Afternoon of Culture
I have to say, for a 2-1/2 hour show that was all classical music and ballet dancing, with no talking or singing to explain the story, our girls were VERY well behaved! Aside from my having to tell my daughter once early on, “Please stop fidgeting in your seat!” To which she responded, “Why?” and I answered, “Because it is very distracting to me and to the people around you.” But that was it, so I was very proud of her! (My poor children -- manners are a big thing with me -- I'm sure they'll find me to be quite a drag!)
Friday, May 2, 2008
By the Way
Keeping Up With The Jetsons

Thursday, May 1, 2008

For a family on the go, this has a huge amount of storage area, a plethora of cup holders (the saleswoman said to me last night, "If you have a powerful thirst, this is the car for you!" She was joking, I think, but seriously there are at least 8 cup holders in there...), a ton of overhead lights (that will allow my daughter to read in the car without waving her little flashlight around and blinding the rest of us), power sliding door with a sensor to detect when fingers are in the way, and a bunch of other wonderful things that we are excited to discover.
Of course, now we have a new problem to deal with... Our older daughter was apparently throwing a small temper tantrum tonight on the way to dance class, because my husband was driving her there in the "old" car. Apparently she no longer likes the other car and does not want to drive in it any more! Ah, 7 -- it's a delightful age! I'm sure she'll grow out of this by the time she hits her teenage years, right? (Yeah, sure...)